Update: May 2016
For health reasons, El Gibbs has had to take some time away from #CripCroakey. We wish her all the best and will keep you posted on future articles on health and disability.
Croakey is excited to be working with El Gibbs who successfully launched the #cripcroakey crowdfunding project to fund a series of articles on disability and health.
With huge changes happening the disability policy space, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), it’s a good and important time to look at disability issues from a range of angles.
The series will be essential reading for people with disabilities, of course, as well as for people and services working with disabled people, for general health professionals who may not know much about the issues facing people with disabilities, and for those involved in related research, policy and decision-making. That’s you, governments of Australia!
El brings great insights and expertise and a compelling voice to the series. She has over 15 years experience in the community and not-for-profit sector, working in policy and advocacy on disability and other social issues. She has written previously for the Sydney Morning Herald, Guardian Australia, ABC RampUp, Crikey and the King’s Tribune. She won the 2015 Gavin Mooney Essay Competition and has been a contributor to US magazine Model View Culture on the topic of disability and technology.
She also has a blog and tweets @bluntshovels.
Check the #cripcroakey Pozible pitch. The campaign was successfully funded on 11 September 2015. El and Croakey are grateful to 57 supporters who donated to the project.
The money raised will fund five articles by El on disability/health related issues. She will be paid $500 per column, Pozible get an admin fee of $250, Croakey gets $650 for moderation, graphic design, editing, hosting and support, and Pat Bowden has been paid $100 for the launch video.