If you have read the funding arrangements for Croakey, you will understand that editing this blog is, by necessity, very much a part-time activity for me.
I am usually writing and editing articles in haste around multiple other commitments. Often I am wanting to alert readers to new reports/research etc that may be of interest, and my main aim is to provide a link to the primary source with, if there is time, some quick commentary and context. Similarly, I know that many of Croakey’s other contributors are likewise pressed for time, with schedules that are already overloaded.
All of which is to say that I rely on the contributors and readers of Croakey to help with pointing out errors and omissions in the posts (and hopefully also forgiving me for some of the embarrassing failures in late-night spelling and punctuation).
So that is my note of explanation. Here is the invitation…
Every few months I compile a summary of Croakey posts for the 250-plus members of the Crikey Health and Medical Panel. I’ve had a few requests from other people to go on the mailing list.
So I’ve started a “Croakey Update” email list for general readers. If you would like to go on this list, please either email me direct or post your details below.
But please be aware this is a somewhat sporadic arrangement. Sometimes I manage to get the email organised every month. But more often it is every two months or so. I also include readership data from Google Analytics (as per here).
I am also going to start posting the compilation at Croakey, as per below.
Summary of Croakey posts, 3 May-11 July (Excluding budget coverage which was compiled separately in May)
These posts are grouped into the following categories:
Climate change
Indigenous health
Rural and remote health
Physician assistants
Infectious diseases and vaccination-related issues
Social determinants of health
Gambling, and general public health issues
Food-related matters
Australasian Cochrane Symposium
Health policy
PBS-related issues
Private health insurance
Mental health
Pharma, COI etc
TGA and regulation of comp medicines
Social media and health
Media critique and related issues
Climate change, environment and health
Carbon pricing is an important public health advance
Michael Moore, Helen Keleher
So the carbon price means climate policy is sorted, right? Wrong…
Fiona Armstrong
A small but significant step towards a healthier world
David Shearman
Climate change and health: an update on the RACP controversy, and other news
A pointed message to College of Physicians on climate change and health
Fiona Armstrong
RACP urged to show leadership on climate change, “the greatest threat to human health in the 21st century”
David Shearman, George Crisp and David King write:
RACP under fire over “wimpy” stance on climate change
Indigenous health
Did the Federal Government water down the report into dialysis in Central Australia?
Rachel Siewert
Warren Snowdon responds to concerns about report on dialysis in Central Australia
Pat Anderson delivers damning indictment of NT Intervention
How to improve Indigenous patients’ access to medicines
Noel Hayman
Rural and remote health
Some recommended reading: on rural health and GP super clinics
John Wakerman, Michael East
Where are the public health concerns about coal seam gas mining?
Some background on cancer in rural and remote Australia, and Crean’s Albury announcement
Beyond money: what do rural doctors want?
Abby Kamalakanthan
Funky and fabulous: don’t miss this clip from rural medical students at Bathurst
Public health doctor scoops essay prize
Study identifies environmental health issues for Aboriginal children in cities
Anne Messenger
Physician assistants
It’s time to make physician assistants part of the Australian health workforce
Ben Stock
Reaction to University of Queensland’s closure of physician assistant program: what a shame for rural health
Dennis Pashen, Peter Brooks, Kim Webber
University of Queensland to drop its physician assistant program
Another point of view on physician assistants
Dr Luke Oakden-Rayner
Infectious diseases and vaccination-related issues
Influenza vaccination and children: weighing up the evidence
Heath Kelly
Adverse events, vaccination and the case for a no-fault compo scheme
Heath Kelly
Improving vaccination policies
Julie Leask
Diphtheria death prompts call for action to boost vaccination
Sue Page
Social determinants of health
It’s time for a Senate inquiry into the social determinants of health
Martin Laverty
Supporting calls for Senate inquiry into a fairer distribution of health
Gavin Mooney
One GP’s prescription for humanity: let us listen to the stories of asylum seekers
Vlad Matic
Gambling, general public health issues
Who are the public health experts calling for political leadership on gambling-related harm?
Pokies report provides good advice says public health expert
Charles Livingstone
Online games: a useful tool for public health
Mae Hurley
Some significant reading on the changing media landscape, public health, Gov 2.0 and more….
Does Australia need a version of the Institute of Medicine?
Margo Saunders
What is the point of health and medical research?
US news on stem cell research
Lesley Russell
Significant reading on the changing media landscape, public health, Gov 2.0 and more
Driving, sitting and other public health matters
Chris Rissel
What do we know about setting a floor price for alcohol?
Matthew Thomas
Mobile phones and cancer: assessing risk in a world of uncertainty
What does plain packaging of cigarettes mean? Some of the legislative detail…
Dodgy data enlisted in the propaganda war against plain packaging of cigarettes
Simon Chapman
Coalition to support plain packaging: a “breakthrough” for public health
Marking World No Tobacco Day: a gong for Roxon, and a note to “social smokers”
John Fitzgerald
On Tobacco Nanny, paternalism and public health
Luke Buckmaster, Matthew Thomas
Plain packaging has tobacco industry spinning in desperation
Simon Chapman
Singing in praise of plain packaging of cigarettes
How representative is online commentary? Not very, suggests tobacco study
Becky Freeman
Food and related matters
Big Food: on the offensive internationally over labelling
Margo Saunders
Junk food advertising to kids: it’s time to call it a day
Kathy Chapman, Jane Martin
Public health advocates accused of oversimplifying the issues around junk food advertising to kids
Jennifer Doggett
The evidence backs action on junk food advertising to kids – but it’s not all that’s needed
Jane Martin
Australasian Cochrane Symposium
How the digital revolution might help the push for better use of better evidence
A quick wrap from the Australasian Cochrane Symposium
Health policy
What are the challenges for health reform? (The long answer)
How to make best use of the plethora of health performance reporting agencies?
Sharon Willcox
Medicare Locals: are they facing death by contract?
Paul Smith
Some important questions about whether child health checks should be part of welfare reform
Luke Buckmaster
How do GPs see the future of medicine?
Brad McLean
A conversation we ought to be having about healthcare
Anne-marie Boxall
Some wider context to debate about listing medicines on the PBS
Glenn Salkeld
So the Government wants to get serious about cutting PBS spending? Here’s how…
Ken Harvey, Richard Day, Willie Campbell, and Wendy Lipworth write:
Private health insurance
Some timely background to the private health insurance rebate debate
Should the cross-benchers support means testing of the private health insurance rebate?
Amanda Biggs
Beyond the private heath insurance industry spin
Jennifer Doggett
You could save $1500 a year, so why aren’t you switching health funds?
Amanda Biggs
An update on Medicare Locals and primary healthcare reform
Engaging the community in primary health care reform, and other challenges
Where are the new Medicare Locals and what have they promised to do?
Mental health
Mental health, social justice – and a program that works
Anne Messenger
Some sad news (a note for those who knew Margaret Tobin or who read my book, Inside Madness)
The movies and memoirs of mental health
Luke Buckmaster
Pharma, COI etc
Disclosure of million-dollar pharma payments to health professionals: will it help?
Peter Mansfield
TGA and regulation of comp medicines
More fire for the TGA over complementary medicines regulation
Consumer group sounds alarm over regulation of complementary medicines
Carol Bennett
Here’s the argument for a wide-ranging overhaul of complementary medicines regulation
Jon Wardle
Campaign launched to support the campaigning Ken Harvey
The TGA and its media relations: what a job
The Therapeutic Goods Administration responds …
Kay McNiece
More on the TGA, the media and other frustrations
Social media and health
How one general practice is using Yammer
Edwin Kruys
A wealth of resources on social media, palliative care, and end-of-life experiences
How can social media help improve palliative care: any suggestions?
Social media: how it can help researchers and public debate
Julie Leask
Crowdsourcing feedback on research proposals
Kishan Kariippanon
The digital divide: a profound public health issue that needs work
Don Perlgut
Media critique and related issues
The latest health and medical news: how does it rate?
Amanda Wilson
Another study damns media coverage of health: so how are journalists responding? And can we learn from McDonald’s?
Gary Schwitzer and others
Some well-informed critique of media coverage of health matters
Gary Schwitzer, Amanda Wilson
Beyond the alarming headlines about bowel cancer in young people
RU486 a safe option for abortion: access needs to be expanded
Caroline de Costa
Critiquing media health coverage – from abortion to rural health