As you may have seen, this Thursday is the third Indigenous health Twitter festival – #IHMayDay16 – and Croakey readers are encouraged to participate (see tip sheets at the bottom of this post for suggestions on how to do this).
The event will be co-hosted by Associate Professor Bronwyn Carlson at the University of Wollongong with her colleague Dr Tanja Dreher, and UoW will tomorrow hold some related public workshops: Indigenous Health and Social Media for Advocacy and Activism (see details at the bottom of this post).
#IHMayDay 16 discussions will be moderated by the founder of #IHMayDay, Dr Lynore Geia from James Cook University, and by Assoc Prof Bronwyn Carlson and Croakey contributor Summer May Finlay. The program’s theme is youth and families, and suicide prevention (download some TwitterTipsIHMayDay16).
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#IHMayDay16 – the program
Wednesday evening, 11 May – Call-out to country, connections
Thursday 12 May (All times given in AEST)
Introductions and welcome
Dr Lynore Geia, James Cook University
Welcome to UoW; identity and social and emotional wellbeing
Associate Professor Bronwyn Carlson, University of Wollongong
Supporting social and emotional well-being
Clinton Schultz, psychologist
Working with young people in communities
Samantha Wild, Headspace
Addressing trauma
SNAICC trainers, Emily Maloney and Dr Jenine Godwin-Thompson
12 noon-1pm
Harnessing the potential of Twitter
Luke Pearson, founder of @IndigenousXLtd
1230-1pm (concurrent session)
Minister Ken Wyatt, Federal Member for Hasluck, Assistant Minister for Health
Working with young people and families in Central and South West Queensland – CQ RAICCHO
Justin Saunders, CEO, CQRAICCHO
Melena McKeown, CQRAICCHO
Bronwyn Fredericks, Chair, CQRAICCHO & Prof at CQUni
Fay McKeown, Member Support Services, Qld Aboriginal & Islander Health Council (QAIHC).
University of Wollongong students
VACCHO 20 years – success & challenges in Aboriginal health
The dividing line: a challenge to get specific, avoid big solutions, genuinely hear diversity, and enable aspiration.
Associate Professor Sandy O’Sullivan, Australian Research Council Senior Indigenous Research Fellow (Wiradjuri) at the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education.
Senator Nova Peris, OAM, Labor Senator, Northern Territory. Olympic & Commonwealth Gold Medalist. Hockey/Athletics
#ATSISPEP (suicide prevention) & #JustJustice (reducing incarceration)
Summer May Finlay, Yorta Yorta woman, Croakey contributor, PhD candidate
Suicide prevention and well-being education
Joe Williams
CDEP and youth employment and community development
Paul Dutton
Wrapping up – and looking forward
Dr Lynore Geia & Associate Professor Bronwyn Carlson
@LynoreGeia & @BronwynCarlson
• Also stay tuned during the day for live #IHMayDay16 interviews via Periscope.
Below are some tip sheets for encouraging participation by individuals, organisations, workplaces and universities (they can be downloaded at the links provided).
Please note that #IHMayDay16 aims to privilege the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations. Read previous stories about #IHMayDay16.
See the program for 11 May workshops
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Twitter analytics
Track the #IHMayDay16 Twitter analytics here. The image below provides analytics from 1 February- May 10, and shows 524 participants to date.