Is there an area of need in health that you would like to see receive more investigation and focus? Or that could benefit from some online community building?
This is your chance to pitch an idea for such a publication. The Public Interest Journalism Foundation is calling for ideas for new online health publications – and one will be chosen for development during a session at the New News conference, which will be held as part of the Melbourne Writers Festival on August 24 and 25.
Your publication may be wide-ranging in focus – it may, for example, investigate the health implications of urban planning – or focus on a specific area or a particular health issue – such as investigating access to fresh, affordable food in a disadvantaged area of Melbourne.
One concept will be developed during the New News public health workshop on Saturday, August 25, with guidance provided by a panel comprising:
• a content/community expert – someone who can give an overview of the community and why it might benefit from an online publication
• a business development expert – someone with expertise in launching online publications. How to make the business case, whether for a not for profit or commercial enterprise
• a social media expert – how to use social media to develop publication, community, stories
• a journalistic perspective – how to identify, investigate related stories
The aim is to produce the bare bones of a concept that interested parties may then choose to take further.
Workshop participants will be asked to develop:
• Publication name, identity
• Strategy for community development
• The business case for this publication
• Story list
All of the suggestions will be published at Croakey – so if your idea is not chosen for the session, there may be other opportunities for developing it further.
Due to our tight deadline, your suggestions are needed by Thursday, May 10.
Please provide a few sentences:
- Describing the area of focus for the publication.
- Explaining why this is an area of need and why it might benefit from having an online focus.
- Outlining the publication’s main audience.
And if you can make the session (stay tuned for details about the program), all the better.
(Please post your suggestions below, or email direct to me via my website or via the Public Interest Journalism Foundation).