Many thanks to all who have read, engaged with, and written for Croakey over the past year, including those who engage via the Twittersphere. We value your contributions to an informed and engaged public debate.
A particular thanks to my fellow Croakey moderators – Jennifer Doggett, Michelle Hughes and Marie McInerney – for your wonderful work in helping to grow and develop this blog.
Thanks also to our crowd-funded columnists – Kelly Briggs aka @TheKooriWoman and Tim Senior of Wonky Health. It is a privilege to be able to bring your writing to Croakey’s readers.
I have greatly enjoyed the contributions of the guest tweeps at @WePublicHealth this year, and thank you all for volunteering your time, energy and enthusiasm towards this new form for public health investigations and discussions.
One of the highlights of my year at Croakey was #IHMayDay – showing the power of online connections for the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Warm thanks to Dr Lynore Geia of James Cook University, and all others who contributed to this event and related discussions.
Another highlight is The Health Wrap, which is compiled every fortnight by experienced health and medical journalists Kellie Bisset and Frances Gilham, as a probono contribution from the Sax Institute.
I acknowledge and thank the members of the Croakey funding consortium, which is organised by the Public Health Association of Australia, with an MoU of editorial independence.
The members are:
• The Public Health Association of Australia
• The Australian Health Promotion Association
• The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association
• The National Rural Health Alliance
• Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, University of NSW
• The Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation
• The Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand
• Consumers Health Forum of Australia
• Centre of Excellence in Intervention and Prevention Science
I also acknowledge and thank those organisations that enlisted the Croakey Conference Reporting Service this year, as well as the journalists and others who helped report on these conferences.
- AHHA Integrated Care Symposium
- CRANAplus Conference
- Australian Indigenous’ Doctors Association Conference
- 4th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium
- The National Suicide Prevention Conference
- The International Indigenous Pre-Conference on HIV and AIDS, and Indigenous sessions from AIDS2014.
- Cultural Solutions – a Healing Foundation forum on Understanding Suicide: trauma, capability and responses in Indigenous communities
- Symposium: Racism and the health and wellbeing of children and youth – understanding impacts, finding solutions
- Congress Lowitja 2014
- Lowitja Institute Continuous Quality Improvement Conference 2014
Finally, this has been a difficult year for many people, for so many different reasons.
Thanks to the Australian Psychological Society for sharing these suggestions, Ten Ways to Promote Peace in 2015.
And thanks to those at Yipirinya School for sharing this beautiful song. Do take a few minutes to enjoy.