Croakey has been a platform which has encouraged Aboriginal voice and actively sought it out. I started out as a reader, then followed on Twitter, was a guest tweeter on @WePublic health, and have become a contributor. The more I got involved, the more I realised what an unique platform Croakey is, because of the way it challenges mainstream media.
Loved the program. Love the Croakey news service – think it really gives the conference a bigger audience!
Great event and extensive social media coverage
It’s always a delight to see the diversity of issues on Croakey, particularly in health policy and social justice, that you just don’t see anywhere else. It’s also great to see the diversity of voices on Croakey, particularly Indigenous Australians and those coming in via social media.
Croakey has, over some years, provided a platform for debate about health policy, planning, funding and services. There aren’t enough places for these debates, and important issues affecting the health of our community risk going unexplored. Croakey helps to fill this hole. Viva Croakey!
Mental Health Victoria – Croakey Conference News Service coverage of #Lived Experience online forum
Mental Health Victoria, in partnership with the Victorian Healthcare Association, ran an online forum on the importance of embedding the voice of lived experience in mental health system reform.
Croakey journalist Marie McInerney did an exceptional job of covering the event through both real-time social media posts and a written article summarising the discussion and themes that arose during the forum.
Her regular Twitter posts throughout the event generated lively discussion and helped emphasise and elevate the important contributions from the consumer voices.
The article that Marie wrote on the event, titled “Imagine a mental health system that meets the needs of consumers and carers” took the reader on a journey through the forum’s key themes along with images and other media to supplement the discussion. It received very positive feedback from all involved.
Croakey allows for independent voices to resonate in and through virtual time and space. Real people, real voices, real issues with independent oomph – that’s Croakey. Time and again I go to Croakey to understand the politics behind public health because Croakey sorts the wheat from the chaff. There is just one mob of journos to trust with my voice, and it’s the Croakey mob. In the surreal and disconnected world of academia I go to Croakey to get grounded in the real issues.
If you care about a public health issue, or want others to care, get it online and get it on Croakey.
The future of health care is too important to leave to the mainstream media. Croakey provides a platform for robust, respectful and inclusive debate on the health issues that really matter.
It’s a must to stay connected with Croakey Health Media. They know all about what’s happening in Public Health, right up to the last minute!