Croakey Health Media has been a valuable partner of the Global Health program at the School of Public Health, University of Sydney, for the last few years. I greatly appreciate Croakey’s contribution to our educational program and the efforts to inspire and engage youth to improve health systems.
With Dr Melissa Sweet’s outstanding supervision, our students have contributed to various media projects on the pressing issues facing Australian society, such as the climate and health dialogue before the 2022 Federal Election, and climate and housing issues for people with mental health. I can see that addressing health inequity is a clear focus of Croakey’s.
The coverage of Indigenous voices in climate and health conversations at Croakey is notably much stronger than the other mainstream media. I would be more hopeful of achieving a sustainable health future for all if we had more health media like Croakey.
Croakey not only gives me up to date information on contemporary health issues, but allows me to send my health information across Australia in an instant. It is also the perfect vehicle for starting peoples’ movements, engaging with Indigenous peoples and our issues, and building a community that has at its basis a desire to make positive change happen. It is polite and political, informative and inspiring. Active engagement is what Croakey does – and I like it!
Croakey is an outstanding achievement and an absolutely essential part of the public health scene. It’s required reading for anyone who wants to know what’s happening, why, and what should be happening. Croakey is produced by an exceptional team of editors, authors and other contributors. Always a top read.
Mainstream media usually only has the space and time to cover urgent health issues. Croakey has the space, time and expertise to cover the important issues which shape the health environment and our health system, and determine our health experience.
Croakey is, and always has been a source of timely, topical, well-researched and analysed information and is my go-to for concise reporting about the things I am interested in, delivered in plain language. I like the collaborative model Croakey uses and, in my opinion, journalists writing for Croakey come from a very informed, experiential place. I depend on Croakey articles especially at peak times like budget hand-downs, and delivery of important government reports – for example, Close the Gap – to give me a balanced and factual overview, as well as Croakey’s campaign work, especially their justice advocacy and in-depth work on ‘deaths in custody’, and the #JustJustice series. I trust information provided by Croakey, it is a barometer of good journalism.
As CEO of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC), it is my pleasure to write a testimonial for Croakey. In the past three years, VMIAC have happily engaged the services of Marie McInerney and her team at Croakey to cover major events in the life of VMIAC. We have been fortunate to have Croakey cover our awards night last year and our conference the year before. Marie has brilliantly captured the essence of our organisation and the views of our members and stakeholders. I cannot envisage a time when we will not engage Croakey as we find their brand of journalism uplifting, accurate and honest. Marie’s ability to draw out the stories she produces is wonderfully fresh and always empowering. I would not hesitate to recommend Croakey as a leading service to any event.
If you work in the health area – and especially if you are a policy wonk, a political nerd, or a news fiend – then Croakey Blog is an essential component of your life. Croakey Blog and @Croakey tweets keep me informed about a wide range of health issues – the impact of budget cuts, new policy announcements and publications, expert opinions and commentary, and what’s being talked about at the conferences I’m unable to attend. I appreciate the timeliness, the broad scope of issues covered, and the breadth of expertise involved. And I particularly appreciate the strong commitment to social justice and tackling Indigenous disadvantage. I’m looking forward to the revamped and relaunched Croakey!
Loved the program. Love the Croakey news service – think it really gives the conference a bigger audience!
Great event and extensive social media coverage
Croakey provides outstanding public interest journalism that challenges the status quo through an ethical and decolonised lens.