If news doesn’t make you squirm it’s simply propaganda. Croakey’s unique blend of activism, humour and plain good reporting makes it an essential – if not always comfortable – read!
Croakey is a valuable voice in the health space, providing a respected and wide ranging platform for health experts and professionals to debate this crucial area of public policy.
Croakey! AHPA loves you for your independence, timeliness and collaboration across a range of issues with individuals and groups from population health and beyond. You are a launching pad for ideas, debate and innovation without fear or favour. Continue to bring it on.
Croakey – Australia’s healthiest news-site!
Croakey once again delivered, providing professional, polished content for our 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting. Thank you.
It’s a must to stay connected with Croakey Health Media. They know all about what’s happening in Public Health, right up to the last minute!
Croakey not only gives me up to date information on contemporary health issues, but allows me to send my health information across Australia in an instant. It is also the perfect vehicle for starting peoples’ movements, engaging with Indigenous peoples and our issues, and building a community that has at its basis a desire to make positive change happen. It is polite and political, informative and inspiring. Active engagement is what Croakey does – and I like it!
Croakey Health Media was the official media partner for VicHealth’s Life and Health Reimagined series (2020). Croakey’s indepth coverage of the five-week series amplified the conversation about how we can make life after coronavirus better and healthier for everyone.
Croakey’s coverage included compelling articles about each week’s topic and wrap-ups of the live-streamed events, live tweeting, a Twitter takeover of the @WePublicHealth account and a podcast summarising the series.
Having Croakey as our media partner enabled us to reach a more diverse public health audience and introduced new voices and experts to the discussion. Croakey’s team also generated a lively dialogue on social media about the series, driving debate and frank discussion on the important topic of how do we create a healthier, fairer, better world post-pandemic.
I would highly recommend Croakey Conference News Service to anyone seeking an innovative and collaborative media partner for a conference or event.
When writing grant applications and budgets, please consider including Croakey Health Media in your plans.