HUGE congratulations to all the Croakey team on your coverage of our Summit. To say we have been delighted with the event, your coverage and the wash up is an understatement. You did such a fantastic job. I know how much there was to synthesise! I was particularly impressed with the flair and variety in how you approached the various pieces of coverage.
Croakey – it’s a constant in my life. It’s my first ‘go to’ place on the web. It changed how I viewed news. It took expressing an opinion to a new level. I love the way Croakey pulls out something new or puts a different twist on an old idea. The diversity of authors and timeliness of posts are very much appreciated. Bring me more of this!
Croakey is the platform where health issues are dissected from every angle – from the complex impact on health arising from social, economic and environmental policies, to the influence of vested interests on public health, and insightful analysis of health care policies. It is a place where I can read the viewpoints of those who don’t often get heard in the mainstream media alongside prominent experts, learn about the lived experiences of diverse Australians, and see opportunities and fresh approaches to tackle our most challenging health issues.
I subscribe to Croakey because it provides breadth and depth in covering health issues that matter at a personal and structural level.
Croakey distils why health policy and programs matter and keeps that focus when analysing details that either enables good outcomes or works against them.
Independent, informed, thought-provoking; not always agreed with, but always worth considering.
Working on health and social policy with the complexities involved, Croakey helps me access concise contemporary insights and informed views. Worth every cent.
We love Croakey! The team here at the use Croakey to show our students what great public health contribution expert media effort can make to the world. True, we contribute stories, but more importantly, we love the difference Croakey makes to the health conversation in Australia.
Croakey is health media rather than medical media. You should be reading it every day if you’re interested in health services or population health.
It’s always a delight to see the diversity of issues on Croakey, particularly in health policy and social justice, that you just don’t see anywhere else. It’s also great to see the diversity of voices on Croakey, particularly Indigenous Australians and those coming in via social media.
Croakey is an important part of the health landscape providing progressive, current and incisive commentary.
If news doesn’t make you squirm it’s simply propaganda. Croakey’s unique blend of activism, humour and plain good reporting makes it an essential – if not always comfortable – read!