Croakey is an important part of the health landscape providing progressive, current and incisive commentary.
Croakey allows for independent voices to resonate in and through virtual time and space. Real people, real voices, real issues with independent oomph – that’s Croakey. Time and again I go to Croakey to understand the politics behind public health because Croakey sorts the wheat from the chaff. There is just one mob of journos to trust with my voice, and it’s the Croakey mob. In the surreal and disconnected world of academia I go to Croakey to get grounded in the real issues.
If you care about a public health issue, or want others to care, get it online and get it on Croakey.
Croakey is an outstanding achievement and an absolutely essential part of the public health scene. It’s required reading for anyone who wants to know what’s happening, why, and what should be happening. Croakey is produced by an exceptional team of editors, authors and other contributors. Always a top read.
HUGE congratulations to all the Croakey team on your coverage of our Summit. To say we have been delighted with the event, your coverage and the wash up is an understatement. You did such a fantastic job. I know how much there was to synthesise! I was particularly impressed with the flair and variety in how you approached the various pieces of coverage.
Croakey Health Media has been a valuable partner of the Global Health program at the School of Public Health, University of Sydney, for the last few years. I greatly appreciate Croakey’s contribution to our educational program and the efforts to inspire and engage youth to improve health systems.
With Dr Melissa Sweet’s outstanding supervision, our students have contributed to various media projects on the pressing issues facing Australian society, such as the climate and health dialogue before the 2022 Federal Election, and climate and housing issues for people with mental health. I can see that addressing health inequity is a clear focus of Croakey’s.
The coverage of Indigenous voices in climate and health conversations at Croakey is notably much stronger than the other mainstream media. I would be more hopeful of achieving a sustainable health future for all if we had more health media like Croakey.
Croakey is terrific. Thought provoking, well researched information….and easy to read. A great combination.
Croakey provides a national stage where all players in the health arena can have their voices heard. It has enabled consumers more easily to make their perspective and opinion known. Croakey has also taken a leadership role in developing a strong presence in social media, an important development for primary care in stimulating community-based approaches to health.
Croakey provides snappy, expert views on the whole spectrum of public health issues, from equity to efficiency, from determinants to prevention to management. A one-stop shop to catch up on pet issues, and discover and adopt new ones.