One of my favourite things about Croakey is the active engagement of so many people with a passion for equity and public health.
The future of health care is too important to leave to the mainstream media. Croakey provides a platform for robust, respectful and inclusive debate on the health issues that really matter.
Mainstream media usually only has the space and time to cover urgent health issues. Croakey has the space, time and expertise to cover the important issues which shape the health environment and our health system, and determine our health experience.
The old media is no longer able to meet the information needs of the 21st-century. News and opinion sites are blossoming but ones which specialise in, and have expertise in, healthcare in Australia are few and far between. Croakey Health Media’s focus on equity in primary care is unique and welcome. It fills an important niche, providing very thoughtful and useful analysis and commentary.
With a health system that is facing unprecedented challenges we need all the courage and all the insight we can get our hands on. Croakey is a space that invites us to to challenge and interrogate our practice and our policy. Croakey’s journalism and activism inspires me to remain optimistic.
Researchers and research organisations can increase their real- world impact by engaging with public debate and public interest organisations like Croakey Health Media. Being involved with Croakey has helped me become a better writer and communicator, with benefits for my research and students.
If news doesn’t make you squirm it’s simply propaganda. Croakey’s unique blend of activism, humour and plain good reporting makes it an essential – if not always comfortable – read!
It’s a must to stay connected with Croakey Health Media. They know all about what’s happening in Public Health, right up to the last minute!
Croakey provides a national stage where all players in the health arena can have their voices heard. It has enabled consumers more easily to make their perspective and opinion known. Croakey has also taken a leadership role in developing a strong presence in social media, an important development for primary care in stimulating community-based approaches to health.