With a health system that is facing unprecedented challenges we need all the courage and all the insight we can get our hands on. Croakey is a space that invites us to to challenge and interrogate our practice and our policy. Croakey’s journalism and activism inspires me to remain optimistic.
At the Walkleys we celebrate and support great Australian journalism. Through our Walkley Grants for Innovation in Journalism we encourage projects that combine quality reporting with an entrepreneurial approach. We’re proud to support projects like Croakey that are an innovative platform driven by independent, ethical journalism for the public benefit.
Croakey is a must read for anyone who craves the public health stories that no one else reports. A truly independent and critical voice that both exposes health injustices and champions smart solutions to health inequalities.
Croakey allows for independent voices to resonate in and through virtual time and space. Real people, real voices, real issues with independent oomph – that’s Croakey. Time and again I go to Croakey to understand the politics behind public health because Croakey sorts the wheat from the chaff. There is just one mob of journos to trust with my voice, and it’s the Croakey mob. In the surreal and disconnected world of academia I go to Croakey to get grounded in the real issues.
Croakey provides outstanding public interest journalism that challenges the status quo through an ethical and decolonised lens.
Croakey has served splendidly as an independent voice in the health policy arena. It provided a forum for people with ideas and passion about health, especially from a social perspective and policy position, but always with humane concern can find a home. We wish the re-platformed Croakey every success.
From a crowded inbox, Croakey always leaps to my attention. It delivers views and information on a wide range of issues of relevance to rural and remote health and wellbeing.
A great service that provided value and benefits for the Australian Health Promotion Association as an Association and the health promotion workforce more broadly.
Croakey – it’s a constant in my life. It’s my first ‘go to’ place on the web. It changed how I viewed news. It took expressing an opinion to a new level. I love the way Croakey pulls out something new or puts a different twist on an old idea. The diversity of authors and timeliness of posts are very much appreciated. Bring me more of this!