From a crowded inbox, Croakey always leaps to my attention. It delivers views and information on a wide range of issues of relevance to rural and remote health and wellbeing.
The old media is no longer able to meet the information needs of the 21st-century. News and opinion sites are blossoming but ones which specialise in, and have expertise in, healthcare in Australia are few and far between. Croakey Health Media’s focus on equity in primary care is unique and welcome. It fills an important niche, providing very thoughtful and useful analysis and commentary.
Croakey cuts through health care professional and organisational interests with edgy critiques about the diverse communities they are there for. In other words, you call BS on those with self interest.
Croakey! AHPA loves you for your independence, timeliness and collaboration across a range of issues with individuals and groups from population health and beyond. You are a launching pad for ideas, debate and innovation without fear or favour. Continue to bring it on.
Croakey has pioneered an unprecedented role in providing an open forum for the revelation and exchange of thinking on health in Australia. Thanks to the indefatigable Croakey team, we have a place where players from all corners of health can share ideas, news and commentary.
Croakey not only gives me up to date information on contemporary health issues, but allows me to send my health information across Australia in an instant. It is also the perfect vehicle for starting peoples’ movements, engaging with Indigenous peoples and our issues, and building a community that has at its basis a desire to make positive change happen. It is polite and political, informative and inspiring. Active engagement is what Croakey does – and I like it!
I subscribe to Croakey because it provides breadth and depth in covering health issues that matter at a personal and structural level.
Croakey distils why health policy and programs matter and keeps that focus when analysing details that either enables good outcomes or works against them.
Independent, informed, thought-provoking; not always agreed with, but always worth considering.
Working on health and social policy with the complexities involved, Croakey helps me access concise contemporary insights and informed views. Worth every cent.
If news doesn’t make you squirm it’s simply propaganda. Croakey’s unique blend of activism, humour and plain good reporting makes it an essential – if not always comfortable – read!
Croakey is one of the few places where public health “activists” can vent their spleen. (I’m not sure why we’re called ‘activists’, but we certainly need a place to ‘vent’.) It’s also a useful place for journalists/media to find contacts who can speak intelligently on public health issues.