Croakey provides outstanding public interest journalism that challenges the status quo through an ethical and decolonised lens.
If you care about a public health issue, or want others to care, get it online and get it on Croakey.
As CEO of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC), it is my pleasure to write a testimonial for Croakey. In the past three years, VMIAC have happily engaged the services of Marie McInerney and her team at Croakey to cover major events in the life of VMIAC. We have been fortunate to have Croakey cover our awards night last year and our conference the year before. Marie has brilliantly captured the essence of our organisation and the views of our members and stakeholders. I cannot envisage a time when we will not engage Croakey as we find their brand of journalism uplifting, accurate and honest. Marie’s ability to draw out the stories she produces is wonderfully fresh and always empowering. I would not hesitate to recommend Croakey as a leading service to any event.
The future of health care is too important to leave to the mainstream media. Croakey provides a platform for robust, respectful and inclusive debate on the health issues that really matter.
It was great to be able to collaborate with the Croakey team for the COVID-19 CaLD Community Think Tank. The event was aimed at hearing from those working in multicultural and community organisations about the challenges they have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic but to also capture lessons learnt and strategies that have enhanced engagement and to share those lessons. By working with Cate and the Croakey team we were able to capture those insights and to disseminate them in a timely way which is critical during a pandemic. The resulting article captured all of the key messages in a format that was relevant and tailored to the relevant audiences. The team were easy to connect and work with and I would certainly look to repeat the partnership again.
Mainstream media usually only has the space and time to cover urgent health issues. Croakey has the space, time and expertise to cover the important issues which shape the health environment and our health system, and determine our health experience.
Croakey is a valuable voice in the health space, providing a respected and wide ranging platform for health experts and professionals to debate this crucial area of public policy.
Croakey once again delivered, providing professional, polished content for our 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting. Thank you.
Croakey has served splendidly as an independent voice in the health policy arena. It provided a forum for people with ideas and passion about health, especially from a social perspective and policy position, but always with humane concern can find a home. We wish the re-platformed Croakey every success.