So happy to be creating and coding for such a dedicated, professional and good-humored team.
At the Walkleys we celebrate and support great Australian journalism. Through our Walkley Grants for Innovation in Journalism we encourage projects that combine quality reporting with an entrepreneurial approach. We’re proud to support projects like Croakey that are an innovative platform driven by independent, ethical journalism for the public benefit.
We love Croakey! The team here at the use Croakey to show our students what great public health contribution expert media effort can make to the world. True, we contribute stories, but more importantly, we love the difference Croakey makes to the health conversation in Australia.
Croakey is one of the few places where public health “activists” can vent their spleen. (I’m not sure why we’re called ‘activists’, but we certainly need a place to ‘vent’.) It’s also a useful place for journalists/media to find contacts who can speak intelligently on public health issues.
Croakey provides snappy, expert views on the whole spectrum of public health issues, from equity to efficiency, from determinants to prevention to management. A one-stop shop to catch up on pet issues, and discover and adopt new ones.
Croakey is a must for anybody looking to stay on the cutting edge of health and social policy news. Subject matter experts offer frank and valuable perspectives on the stories that matter, ensuring that Croakey is truly independent, well-informed, public interest journalism.
Croakey once again delivered, providing professional, polished content for our 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting. Thank you.
Mainstream media usually only has the space and time to cover urgent health issues. Croakey has the space, time and expertise to cover the important issues which shape the health environment and our health system, and determine our health experience.
Croakey has served splendidly as an independent voice in the health policy arena. It provided a forum for people with ideas and passion about health, especially from a social perspective and policy position, but always with humane concern can find a home. We wish the re-platformed Croakey every success.