According to our latest readership analysis (more details here), these were our most popular reads in March (after the homepage).
1. AHPRA responds to critique of the national registration scheme for health professionals
By Martin Fletcher
2. Patient-centred medical home model: how could it work in primary health care in Australia?
By Nick Zwar and Megan Howe
3. LongRead: Why is sexual assault still often missing from the focus on violence against women?
By Kristine Olaris
4. Five critical health concerns worth discussing in the Federal election campaign
By Melissa Sweet
5. On the complexities and challenges of communications around suicide deaths
By Marc Bryant
6. Federal Opposition – “seriously inadequate” handling of mental health reforms fuelling terrible uncertainty
By Senator Katy Gallagher
7. Released: Scoping study for an Australian National Nutrition Policy
By Mark Lock
8. Whose problem is it anyway? Transforming the public health narrative to stem the tide of lifestyle drift
By Eleanor Malbon, Melanie Pescud, Phillip Baker, Bradley Crammond, Gemma Carey
9. One child killed every two weeks by family member: Time to free children’s lives from violence
By Annie Blatchford
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Top five stories since our re-launch as a standalone platform on 1 September 2015
1. Addicted to medicine
By Paul Biegler
2. People first vs identity first: a discussion about language and disability
By Shawn Burns
3. Nurse Practitioners and Practice Nurses: Different skills, different roles, and both valuable primary care resources
By Mack Madahar
4. Pap smears and political amnesia
By Margaret Faux
5. AHPRA responds to critique of the national registration scheme for health professionals
By Martin Fletcher
[divide style=”dots” width=”medium”]Find out more about our growing readership here.
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