2021 Readership
Website visitors
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:users” dimensions=”ga:userType” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-01-01″ end_date=”2021-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:users” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Page views
Top website stories for 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-01-01″ end_date=”2021-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Website traffic sources
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:sessions” dimensions=”ga:source” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-01-01″ end_date=”2021-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:sessions” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for December 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-12-01″ end_date=”2021-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for November 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-11-01″ end_date=”2021-11-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for October 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-10-01″ end_date=”2021-10-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for September 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-09-01″ end_date=”2021-09-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for August 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-08-01″ end_date=”2021-08-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top Apple News stories for August 2021
Note: Due to technical difficulties, Croakey Health Media were unable to publish to Apple News for August 2021.
Top website stories for April 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-04-01″ end_date=”2021-04-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for March 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-03-01″ end_date=”2021-03-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for February 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-02-01″ end_date=”2021-02-28″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for January 2021
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2021-01-01″ end_date=”2021-01-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
2020 Readership
Website visitors
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:users” dimensions=”ga:userType” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-01-01″ end_date=”2020-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:users” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Unique page views
Top website stories for 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-01-01″ end_date=”2020-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Website traffic sources
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:sessions” dimensions=”ga:source” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-01-01″ end_date=”2020-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:sessions” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for December 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-12-01″ end_date=”2020-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for November 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-11-01″ end_date=”2020-11-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for October 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-10-01″ end_date=”2020-10-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for September 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-09-01″ end_date=”2020-09-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for August 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-08-01″ end_date=”2020-08-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for April 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-04-01″ end_date=”2020-04-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for March 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-03-01″ end_date=”2020-03-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for February 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-02-01″ end_date=”2020-02-28″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for January 2020
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2020-01-01″ end_date=”2020-01-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
2019 Readership
Website visitors
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:users” dimensions=”ga:userType” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-01-01″ end_date=”2019-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:users” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Unique page views
Top website stories for 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-01-01″ end_date=”2019-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Website traffic sources
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:sessions” dimensions=”ga:source” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-01-01″ end_date=”2019-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:sessions” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for December 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-12-01″ end_date=”2019-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for November 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-11-01″ end_date=”2019-11-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for October 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-10-01″ end_date=”2019-10-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for September 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-09-01″ end_date=”2019-09-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for August 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-08-01″ end_date=”2019-08-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for April 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-04-01″ end_date=”2019-04-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for March 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-03-01″ end_date=”2019-03-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for February 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-02-01″ end_date=”2019-02-28″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for January 2019
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2019-01-01″ end_date=”2019-01-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
2018 Readership
Website visitors
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:users” dimensions=”ga:userType” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2018-01-01″ end_date=”2018-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:users” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Unique page views
Top website stories for 2018
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2018-01-01″ end_date=”2018-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Website traffic sources
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:sessions” dimensions=”ga:source” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2018-01-01″ end_date=”2018-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:sessions” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for December 2018
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2018-12-01″ end_date=”2018-12-31″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top website stories for November 2018
[analytify-stats metrics=”ga:pageviews” dimensions=”ga:pageTitle” date_type=”custom” start_date=”2018-11-01″ end_date=”2018-11-30″ max_results=”10″ sort=”-ga:pageviews” analytics_for=”full” custom_page_id = “” permission_view=””]
Top stories – including Apple News (views)
Website: Respecting patients and keeping them safe: ten tips for quality care
Apple News: Health impacts of a Trump Presidency (1500)
Website: AIHW report shows “mental health funding priorities wrong”
Apple News: Vale Sally Crossing 1946 – 2016 (460)
Website: Mandatory bicycle helmet laws in Australia: is it time for a change?
Apple News: Mandatory bicycle helmet laws in Australia: is it time for a change? (291)
Website: NDIS is failing people with progressive neurological disorders: new paper
Apple News: Pressure mounts for Budget reform of private health insurance (540)
Website: Reactions to the 2017-18 Budget: rolling coverage
Apple News: ‘Keep at it’ – Turnbull praise for Obamacare repeal gives Australians pause on Budget eve (780)
June Website: Dear PM: My name is Isiah and I am 6 years old. I hope you have a yarn with Clinton
Apple News: Drug testing is not the solution to a complex set of social problems (319)
Website: Postcard from an American holiday – “for us this was not a medical disaster but a medical miracle”
Apple News: Postcard from an American holiday – “for us this was not a medical disaster but a medical miracle” (2,115)
Website: Survey reveals ‘systemic racism’ in medical training
Apple News: What (more) can the health sector do to end harm to asylum seekers? Not praise their “very high level of health care” for a start? (1,087)
Website: #YesWithLove: practical support during Australia’s #MarriageEquality campaign
Apple News: “Please don’t let this happen to me” – too much medicine at the end of life (816)
Website: Celebrating the contribution of Jackie Crowe to mental health
Apple News: When it comes to the Goliaths threatening public health, is it time for a unified response? (1,544)
Website: Mental health services are causing trauma, rather than healing
Apple News: Mental health services are causing trauma, rather than healing (4,947)
Website: Beyond the social determinants: a manifesto for wellbeing
Apple News: The Health Wrap: Tobacco industry under fire; paying for hospital care; obesity, poverty and chronic disease (336)
Top stories last 6 months of 2016 – including Apple News (views)
Website: Rise & be heard: Joining forces to ask questions, demand answers on poverty – and to be shown some respect
Apple News: How’s this for a primary health care reform? Engage men (433)
Website: Calling on The Australian to apologise for Leak cartoon: Open letter from journalists, writers, artists and others
Apple News: The Olympics: faster, higher, stronger … unhealthier? (1639)
Website: Bubup Wilam: will this model of Aboriginal empowerment really fall through the funding cracks?
Apple News: Health professionals as vendors: the commercial erosion of evidence and ethics (997)
Website: Who is talking for us? The silencing of the Aboriginal woman’s voice about violence
Apple News: Malcolm Turnbull, I hope you have your listening ears on (1,273)
Website: Six steps towards effective action on obesity. Fat chance?
Apple News: Playing with the Trump card: health has champions to stay the game (4,220)
Website: How John Howard’s gun control laws have given a multi-million dollar boost to the shooters’ lobby
Apple News: The great snack debate on airlines – check out the latest Journal Watch (965)
October 2016 (with percentage changes from the previous month)
13,206 total visitors (+3.5% on last month) – above the average since launch (12,483) 8,354 new visitors (+11.6% on last month) – above the average since launch (7,725) 4,852 returning visitors (-8.4% on last month) – above the average since launch (4,757) 19,125 page views (+1.1% on last month) – below the average since launch (25,854) 16,858 unique page views (+0.8% on last month) – above the average since launch (16,248)
In addition to those figures above, in October, on Apple News there were 3,418 unique viewers and 5,203 total views. The top article on AppleNews was: Malcolm Turnbull, I hope you have your listening ears on. Below are the best-read articles/pages at the web-site in October Below are the best-read articles/pages from 1 Sept 2015-31 October 2016
September 2016 (with percentage changes from the previous month)
12,777 total visitors (-6.3% on last month) – above the average since launch (12,427) 7,483 new visitors (-11.7% on last month) – below the average since launch (7,676) 5,294 returning visitors (+2.8% on last month) – above the average since launch (4,750) 18,914 page views (-5.9% on last month) – below the average since launch (26372) 16,720 unique page views (-4.9% on last month) – above the average since launch (16,202)
In addition to those figures above, in September, on Apple News there were 3,418 unique viewers and 5,203 total views. The top article on AppleNews was: Health professionals as vendors: the commercial erosion of evidence and ethics. Below are the best-read articles/pages at the web-site in September. Below are the best-read articles/pages from 1 Sept 2015-30 Sept 2016
August 2016 (with percentage changes from the previous month)
13,630 total visitors (-0.9% on last month) – above the average since launch (12,398) 8,482 new visitors (+1.9% on last month) – above the average since launch(7,692) 5,444 returning visitors (-5.4% on last month) – above the average since launch (4,705) 20,104 page views (-1.7% on last month) – above the average since launch (26993) 17,582 unique page views (-1.7% on last month) – above the average since launch(16,158)
In addition to those figures above – Apple News: 5,159 unique views; 7,934 total views Top story on Apple News: The Olympics: faster, higher, stronger…unhealthier? Below are the best-read articles/pages at the web-site in August. Below are the best-read articles/pages from 1 Sept 2015-31 August 2016
July 2016 (with percentage changes from the previous month)
13,760 total visitors (-2.4% on last month) – above the average since launch (12,286) 8,316 new visitors (-2.45% on last month) – above the average since launch (7,621) 5,444 returning visitors (-2.33% on last month) – above the average since launch (4,665) 20,462 page views (-44.73% on last month) – below the average since launch (27,620) 17,887 unique page views (-2.75% on last month) – above the average since launch(16,029)
Apple News: Total, 4,838 3,361 US 909 Australia 625 UK Below are the best-read articles/pages in July Below are the best-read articles/pages from 1 Sept 2015-31 July 2016
June 2016 (with percentage changes from the previous month)
14,099 total visitors (-38% on last month) – above the average since launch (12,139) 8,525 new visitors (-60.47% on last month) – above the average since launch(7,552) 5,574 returning visitors (-13.81% on last month) – above the average since launch (4,587) 37,024 page views (-39.13% on last month) – above the average since launch (28,336) 18,392 unique page views (-34.33% on last month) – above the average since launch(15,844)
Apple News Australia – 1078 readers – top story – Health was top of the 2016 election agenda: but how healthy is the result? UK – 1158 readers – “Brexit should come with a health warning for the NHS, public health and research.” US – 3505 readers – https://croakey.org/hows-this-for-a-primary-health-care-reform-engage-men/ Below are the best-read articles/pages from 1 Sept 2015-30 June 2016
May 2016 (with percentage changes from the previous month)
23,204 total visitors (+96% on last month) – above the average since launch (11,921) 16,639 new visitors (+158.97% on last month) – above the average since launch(7,443) 6,565 returning visitors (+21.35% on last month) – above the average since launch (4,477) 61,474 page views (+71.98% on last month) – above the average since launch (27,370) 28,320 unique page views (+77.33% on last month) – above the average since launch (15,560) Below are the best-read articles/pages in May

Below are the best-read articles/pages from 1 Sept 2015-31 May 2016

In May, Croakey launched as a channel on the Apple News app (please favourite us and follow our stories there!). In the 30 days until 12 June, Croakey on Apple News had 3690 unique viewers (the number of unique users who viewed any article in this channel, and 4885 total views.
April 2016 (with percentage changes from the previous month)
11,835 total visitors (-8.7% on last month) – above the monthly average since launch (10,510) 6,425 new visitors (-15% on last month) – above the average since launch(6,294) 5,342 returning visitors (+0.5% on last month) – above the average since launch (4,216) 35,744 page views (-3.5% on last month) – above the average since launch (23,107) 15,970 unique page views (-5.2% on last month) – above the average since launch (13,965) Below are the best-read articles/pages in April Below are the best-read articles/pages from 1 Sept 2015-30 April 2016
March 2016 (with percentage changes from the previous month)
12,972 total visitors (+34%) 7,630 new visitors (+40%) 5,342 returning visitors (+25%) 37,734 page views (+33%) 17,067 unique page views (+36%) Below are the best-read articles/pages in March

Below are the best-read articles/pages from 1 Sept 2015-31 March 2016 [divide style=”dots” width=”medium”]
February 2016
9,678 total visitors 5,417 new visitors 4,261 returning visitors 28,290 page views 12,532 unique page views

1 Sept 2015 – 29 February 2016
111,384 page views 78,689 unique page views

[divide style=”dots” width=”medium”]
January 2016
13,672 total visitors 8,809 new visitors 4,863 returning visitors 26,379 page views 17,500 unique page views

(Note, Tim Senior’s article on white privilege, #7, was published in August 2015, so the figures above do not include its total readership, at either “old Croakey” or “new Croakey).
[divide style=”dots” width=”medium”]
1 Sept 2015 – 31 January 2016
49,601 total visitors 30,881 new visitors 18,720 returning visitors 83,094 page views 66,157 unique page views

[divide style=”dots” width=”medium”]
Analytics when at Crikey.com
175,844 users 395,393 page views 285, 141 sessions
368,668 page views 266, 924 sessions 164, 702 users
144,000 unique visits 237,000 visits 319,000 page views
137,327 unique visits 253,068 visits 349, 890 page views [/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion] [/vc_column][/vc_row]