Whilst Croakey’s readership figures vary from month to month, we’ve seen a steady increase in overall visitor numbers, according to our latest readership update.
For the year ending June 2018, we had 299,394 total visitors via the Croakey website and Apple News, with 214,640 unique views. (These figures do not include details of readership via Facebook).
The Apple News platform continues to be a valuable conduit for Croakey stories – so if you are using the Apple News app, please make sure to follow us there.
Comparing the first half of 2018 with the same period in 2017
The main readership observations for the six months to June 2018, compared with the same period in 2017 are:
- There was a 62 percent increase in new visitors, with almost 68,000 new visitors in the first half of this year
- Total users increased by 57 percent – to more than 79,000 over the six months
- Referral traffic from Facebook is the largest increase of all social media platforms – a nine percent increase
- Two articles published to Apple News had a combined readership of 15,000 views. More on that below.

Sex, Drugs … and Apple(s)
When Croakey first started publishing to the Apple News platform, most of the readers on that platform were in the United States.
The last six months has seen a significant change, with Australian and UK readership increasing.
In particular, this article by Marie McInerney, A glimpse into the sex industry from the people who work in it, had 8,269 readers, who were primarily from Australia.
Meanwhile, an article by Dr Ruth Armstrong on prevention of opioid harm – Over-the-counter codeine’s a thing of the past. What’s next in preventing opioid harm? had 5,332 readers, who were mostly from the US.
There’s a discussion topic?

Below is a compilation of our readership figures for January to June 2018, and for July to December 2017.
Also included are the best-read articles at the website and on Apple News.
You can read more details about our readership analytics here.
January to June 2018
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Top stories for this period – including Apple News (views)
Website: Associate Professor Sonia Wutzke – In Memoriam (1,372)
Apple News: The devastating effects of Trumpism on science and medicine (amongst other matters) (1,714)
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Website: The high price of healthy school canteens (1,376)
Apple News: Over-the-counter codeine’s a thing of the past. What’s next in preventing opioid harm? (5,332)
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Website: “Bilo” – the little country town that is roaring in defence of asylum seekers (1,718)
Apple News: A glimpse into the sex industry from the people who work in it (8,269)
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Website: Staying well with a mental illness: powerful lessons from a lifetime (868)
Apple News: HealthWrap: Health care homes, hot policy topics – and the latest public health news (1,072)
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Website: A great BIG wrap of #HealthBudget18 reaction – the good, the bad and the absent (1,029)
Apple News: Federal Budget 2018/19 – Preview and review of health sector submissions (507)
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Website: On the personal toll for Indigenous advocates and people when governments fail to act (1,930)
Apple News: More Medicare funding goes to wealthy kids: why, and what can we do about it? (171)
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July to December 2017
[lightbox thumb=”https://croakey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/6months_JulytoDecember_2017.png”]
Top stories for this period – including Apple News (views)
Website: Postcard from an American holiday – “for us this was not a medical disaster but a medical miracle”
Apple News: Postcard from an American holiday – “for us this was not a medical disaster but a medical miracle” (2,115)
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Website: Survey reveals ‘systemic racism’ in medical training
Apple News: What (more) can the health sector do to end harm to asylum seekers? Not praise their “very high level of health care” for a start? (1,087)
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Website: #YesWithLove: practical support during Australia’s #MarriageEquality campaign
Apple News: “Please don’t let this happen to me” – too much medicine at the end of life (816)
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Website: Celebrating the contribution of Jackie Crowe to mental health
Apple News: When it comes to the Goliaths threatening public health, is it time for a unified response? (1,544)
[lightbox thumb=”https://croakey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Oct_top10.jpeg”]
Website: Mental health services are causing trauma, rather than healing
Apple News: Mental health services are causing trauma, rather than healing (4,947)
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Website: Beyond the social determinants: a manifesto for wellbeing
Apple News: The Health Wrap: Tobacco industry under fire; paying for hospital care; obesity, poverty and chronic disease (336)
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