Croakey has been running a series of articles on the new MyHospitals website, looking at how it should be evaluated, and how it might evolve in response to feedback.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has responded to Croakey’s questions on these matters below. It’s interesting that the details of the evaluation are still to be thrashed out.
Q: What evaluation of the website is planned? Who will be conducting it? Will it be published and fully available? What will it evaluate? How will you know if the website is a success?
A: Evaluation will be undertaken by AIHW and DOHA, but we are yet to settle on the details. We may release a summary of the main evaluation findings if there is demand for it and the Commonwealth and States and Territories agree to it.
Q: Will the website be adjusted in response to the evaluation and feedback?
Q: Do you have any information you can share regarding the volume of traffic to the website in its first days?
Yes. For the first six days (ie Friday 10 Dec to Wednesday 15 Dec inclusive), there were 45,291 visits to the MyHospitals website, and more than 540,000 individual page views.
Around half the visitors came to the website directly, or via Google, with the remainder largely direct links from media (eg ABC, Sydney Morning Herald) websites. The most visited pages are capital city hospital listings.
Q: Any other related comments the AIHW would like to make about the website, its future etc?
Health Ministers will be considering further development of the website next year.
If Croakey readers have any other questions they’d like answered, please speak up.
For other recent Croakey posts on MyHospitals
What should we make of the MyHospitals website?