Welcome to a column for those who don’t have time or inclination for Twitter-scrolling.
This week, we bring news from the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, the great mask-giveaway in Victoria, the latest reports on climate and health, monkeypox and more. And vale Olivia Newton-John, “a fierce and inspirational advocate for breast cancer research and early detection”.
Scroll to the end to find out about upcoming events that look interesting.
Honouring Indigenous women
Read the article by Dr Hannah McGlade, human rights lawyer and member of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples.
Read about Project Drawdown.
Read this Twitter thread by the World Health Organization’s Dr Maria Van Kerkove.
Read this article about the growth of anti-vaccine activism in the United States, and the global implications.
Read the new WHO publication on patient safety and the pandemic.
Climate and health
From New Scientist: An analysis of the 200 largest fossil fuel companies suggests that just 10 shareholders could influence the fate of nearly half of the world’s remaining fossil fuels (paywall).
The doctors in the House are having impact.
Global health, public health
“..this outbreak is another demonstration that breaking the cycle of “panic and neglect” that for decades has been the hallmark of the global response to epidemics and pandemics requires a paradigm shift in global health. The world ignores at its peril pathogens that spread “only” in low-income countries; most are one flight away from sparking a global public health emergency. Protecting the health of any population relies ultimately on protecting the health of every population, through stronger public health functions and health systems, based on robust primary health care and a commitment to universal health coverage. Global health security depends on local health security in every country.”
Read the article on Facebook and privacy violations.
Read the article on supporting transgender patients.
Indigenous health
Read the article: Discrimination experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in Australia: Associations with suicidal thoughts and depressive symptoms
Read: A handbook for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and
Health Practitioners
See previous editions of #ICYMI, and catch you next week…