This week, we look at the health implications of the changing of the Twitter guard, how Google profits from misinformation, and other global health news, as well as putting a health spotlight on the Victorian election.
Check out some recommended new books and also hear from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals. We also bring details of a stack of upcoming events – scroll to the end to find out more!
The Twitter takeover
Twitter has long been a useful platform for Indigenous health and public health advocacy, engagement and sharing of news and views (as this column shows), although not without its problems.
The Elon Musk takeover is sounding alarm bells, including among many health tweeps, and raises important questions about the powerful commercial determinants of our news and information infrastructure and systems.
Some useful background is in this STAT report, ‘Twitter has spent years trying to combat health misinformation. Will Musk’s takeover make that harder?’
Read Professor Bernal’s Twitter thread.
Read this Twitter thread by Ben Harris-Roxas.
Meanwhile, this Propublica investigation of how Google profits from the spread of misinformation is a must-read.
Global health
See the Twitter thread with the ten charts.
Read the article on monkeypox.
Read the article on the slave trade and medicine.
First Nations peoples’ health
COVID surge
Read The Nature article.
Read the publication about COVID myths.
Read the journal article.
Listen to the interview.
Healthcare news

Read the prevention research scorecard.
Listen to the VACCHO interview.
Public health
Read the report by the Melbourne Institute.
Human rights