Croakey is a must for anybody looking to stay on the cutting edge of health and social policy news. Subject matter experts offer frank and valuable perspectives on the stories that matter, ensuring that Croakey is truly independent, well-informed, public interest journalism.
Croakey is an important part of the health landscape providing progressive, current and incisive commentary.
Croakey – it’s a constant in my life. It’s my first ‘go to’ place on the web. It changed how I viewed news. It took expressing an opinion to a new level. I love the way Croakey pulls out something new or puts a different twist on an old idea. The diversity of authors and timeliness of posts are very much appreciated. Bring me more of this!
Croakey cuts through health care professional and organisational interests with edgy critiques about the diverse communities they are there for. In other words, you call BS on those with self interest.
Croakey is now well established as compulsory reading for influencers and observers in health and medicine in Australia and internationally – and rightly so. As a blog, it gives voice to people who support or oppose government health and social policy. It allows people to express their views and opinions openly, passionately, and freely – from all perspectives. More importantly, Croakey provides a forum for new ideas and new thinking – based on experiences at the frontline of health service delivery – which we can only hope find their way into future health policy to provide better health services to the Australian community.
Croakey! AHPA loves you for your independence, timeliness and collaboration across a range of issues with individuals and groups from population health and beyond. You are a launching pad for ideas, debate and innovation without fear or favour. Continue to bring it on.
Croakey provides outstanding public interest journalism that challenges the status quo through an ethical and decolonised lens.
Croakey has pioneered an unprecedented role in providing an open forum for the revelation and exchange of thinking on health in Australia. Thanks to the indefatigable Croakey team, we have a place where players from all corners of health can share ideas, news and commentary.
Croakey once again delivered, providing professional, polished content for our 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting. Thank you.