Following Croakey’s recent discussions about selecting doctors, Sally Crossing, Chair of Cancer Voices NSW, thought Croakey readers might be interested in the following initative. She writes:
“At the end of last century, women with breast cancer told the Breast Cancer Action Group NSW that a priority for them – and their referring GPs – was to have access to a reliable directory of breast cancer specialists.
We took this on in partnership with the Breast Cancer Institute NSW and launched it with a hard copy to all NSW GPs in 2002. It can now be found on both our websites – here and here.
It has been hugely helpful to all parties, has been extended Australia-wide, and is currently in the process of being updated again. The 2005 Senate Cancer Inquiry recommended that it be extended to all cancers. Uptake is almost 100% in NSW, and we hope the next invitation via the Health Insurance Commission will bring ‘em all in.
This Directory is a first of its kind, considering the range of useful, decision-making information it provides, including case-load stats. We do not seek comments from consumers about the specialists’ services – it is based firmly on information provided by the latter. It is in their interests to ensure this is accurate and current. We provide the platform and the format; they agree to the terms.
Entry is free and the template is available for transfer for other doctor info lists.
And this all came about because consumers were concerned about the quality of the referral system – we got up and did something to resolve the blocks to accessible information.”