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Croakey is an outstanding achievement and an absolutely essential part of the public health scene. It’s required reading for anyone who wants to know what’s happening, why, and what should be happening. Croakey is produced by an exceptional team of editors, authors and other contributors. Always a top read.
Emeritus Professor Mike Daube
Curtin University
Croakey not only gives me up to date information on contemporary health issues, but allows me to send my health information across Australia in an instant. It is also the perfect vehicle for starting peoples’ movements, engaging with Indigenous peoples and our issues, and building a community that has at its basis a desire to make positive change happen. It is polite and political, informative and inspiring. Active engagement is what Croakey does – and I like it!
Professor Kerry Arabena
Public health leader
Mental Health Victoria – Croakey Conference News Service coverage of #Lived Experience online forum
Mental Health Victoria, in partnership with the Victorian Healthcare Association, ran an online forum on the importance of embedding the voice of lived experience in mental health system reform.
Croakey journalist Marie McInerney did an exceptional job of covering the event through both real-time social media posts and a written article summarising the discussion and themes that arose during the forum.
Her regular Twitter posts throughout the event generated lively discussion and helped emphasise and elevate the important contributions from the consumer voices.
The article that Marie wrote on the event, titled “Imagine a mental health system that meets the needs of consumers and carers” took the reader on a journey through the forum’s key themes along with images and other media to supplement the discussion. It received very positive feedback from all involved.
Larissa Taylor
Director, Policy, Mental Health Victoria
If news doesn’t make you squirm it’s simply propaganda. Croakey’s unique blend of activism, humour and plain good reporting makes it an essential – if not always comfortable – read!
Professor Virginia Barbour
Croakey is an important part of the health landscape providing progressive, current and incisive commentary.
Professor Fran Baum
Global public health leader
Croakey is health media rather than medical media. You should be reading it every day if you’re interested in health services or population health.
Ben Harris-Roxas
Public health leader
Croakey provides snappy, expert views on the whole spectrum of public health issues, from equity to efficiency, from determinants to prevention to management. A one-stop shop to catch up on pet issues, and discover and adopt new ones.
Professor Jon Karnon
Flinders University
Croakey cuts through health care professional and organisational interests with edgy critiques about the diverse communities they are there for. In other words, you call BS on those with self interest.
Jason Trethowan
Health sector leader
Mainstream media usually only has the space and time to cover urgent health issues. Croakey has the space, time and expertise to cover the important issues which shape the health environment and our health system, and determine our health experience.
Charles Maskell-Knight PSM
A senior public servant in the Commonwealth Department of Health for over 25 years before retiring in 2021. He worked as a senior adviser to the Aged Care Royal Commission in 2019-20.