On International Women’s Day, here is some recommended reading/viewing:
• The Washington Post: Most of the refugees stuck in Greece are now women and children.
• The Change the Record Coalition calls on all levels of government to invest in culturally safe and targeted early intervention and prevention strategies to reduce the violence affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children, and to stop the over-incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. “For too long Aboriginal women have been invisible to policy-makers,” said Change the Record Co-Chair Jackie Huggins.
• Profiling three generations: Doseena Fergie, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurse; her daughter; and grand-daughter, as well as 20 inspiring black women who have changed Australia, and listen here to Indigenous women in diverse fields.
• Some interesting community health innovations are profiled here (I particularly like the idea of dancing programs for the elderly).
• And here are 20 women making waves in the climate change debate (though I can think of plenty of others too).
• A balanced media? Not when it comes to gender. By Gaven Morris, ABC’s director of news.
• Over at Power to Persuade, UK academic Marie V. Gibert writes: Academia and motherhood: The impossible combination of parenthood and womanhood.
• And from the Croakey archives, check our in-depth coverage of the recent National Research Conference on Violence against Women and Children, and this powerful article from our #JustJustice series: Prison is not the answer – instead address the needs of traumatised Aboriginal women. Meanwhile, this link compiles all of our women’s health articles.
• And the interview with Renee Blackman below offers some great insights into community controlled services and primary healthcare (do take the time to watch…) It is also now listed on the Croakey page of recommended viewing.