Croakey Professional Services is the non-editorial arm of Croakey Health Media. We offer a range of professional services that are in line with our mission of supporting engaged, informed, constructive public debate and innovative practice.
These services are offered by experienced, skilled members of the Croakey team, and can be tailored to your organisational or individual needs. They also help to raise funds to support our public interest journalism.
Please contact or contact us on the form below.
Croakey Professional Services: showcases

CATSINaM: Celebrating 25 Years
Croakey Professional Services produced a campaign celebrating the 25-year anniversary of the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM). Read more at the campaign portal.

MINUM BARRENG: The story of the Indigenous Eye Health Unit
Croakey Professional Services team members Dr Tess Ryan, Dr Tim Senior and Linda Doherty wrote and edited this book, which was produced for the Indigenous Eye Health Unit at the University of Melbourne, and published by Melbourne University Press. Read more
By advertising with Croakey, you or your organisation can reach our informed, influential audience.
Advertising is available:
- on our website
- in our weekly email news bulletin (reaching hundreds of leading health, social and research organisations and most Australian MPs)
- via Twitter and other social media channels. Followers include national and global health leaders.
Our team of skilled copywriters and designers can assist with producing your advertisement.
Download our advertising rate card here. For more information, contact
Sponsored content is published at the Croakey homepage and also appears in the weekly news bulletin, which is widely read by leaders in the health, social and research sectors. Most federal, state and territory politicians also receive the weekly Croakey news bulletin. Sponsored content articles are also disseminated across Croakey’ social media channels.
Sponsored content can be produced in either of two ways:
- members of the Croakey Professional Services team research, write and edit the articles under the direction of the sponsoring organisation.
- the sponsoring organisation provides the article to Croakey for editing and publication, working in consultation with the relevant Croakey editor.
All sponsored content articles are clearly badged as such, so they are clearly distinguished from independent editorial content.
Examples of sponsored content articles include:
- the #KidneyCareTogether series, sponsored by the Adelaide-based Aboriginal Kidney Care Together – Improving Outcomes Now (AKction) project.
- the #SaferCare series, sponsored by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
- the #NHLF series profiling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce matters, sponsored by the National Health Leadership Forum
- the Indigenous Knowledge Translation series, sponsored by the Lowitja Institute.
- the #CATSINaM25Years series, sponsored by the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives.
This service is not available for organisations or products that do not align with Croakey’s mission.
Please contact, or contact us via the form below.
Croakey Health Media offers tailored packages to support researchers and research organisations.
These packages can offer services under two categories: independent public interest journalism and Croakey Professional Services.
These services can assist with:
- Research dissemination and impact
- Skills development
- Developing collaborations and partnerships
- Demonstrating leadership
- Creating change.
Download the ‘Increasing your research impact’ publication. For further information, contact
Embedded public interest journalism
In addition to the options from Croakey Professional Services outlined above, Croakey Health Media has developed an innovative proposal for embedding public interest journalism into research projects.
This innovative concept involves a public interest journalism team being embedded into research projects as an independent discipline, preferably from the grant-writing stage. In this model, editorial control rests with Croakey working to an MoU with the research team governing ethics, processes and research integrity.
Outcomes include independent journalism about the research and related contexts.
A team from Croakey Health Media would work on the project, taking on different roles throughout its life; for example, as writers, designers and editors (with works of journalism including articles, video, photographs, images, publications and other content), as social media contributors, and as co-authors of academic articles.
The benefit of having a number of the Croakey Health Media team involved is that we all bring different skills and experiences to the work that will value add to the outcomes. would be the media publishing partner, publishing the related works of journalism. These would also be available for publishing on the project website and newsletters etc, and Croakey would work proactively to co-publish with other media partners to increase the impact of related works of journalism.
As well as producing works of independent public interest journalism, this model would:
- develop new knowledge about the theory and practice of research translation and impact
- develop new knowledge about the theory and practice of social journalism and public interest journalism
- assist the research team to develop new knowledge
- provide significant works of journalism on matters of public interest relating to the research context, questions and outcomes
- contribute usefully to research processes and outcomes while maintaining editorial independence
- develop new models to sustain public interest journalism at a time of crisis.
This model is NOT providing public relations or communications services.
Croakey Professional Services works with experienced journalists, authors, content specialists and editors. We can assist with writing and/or editing reports, articles and other projects, large and small. We also draft social media content and health communications materials.
For more information, contact
Experienced writers, editors, content experts and designers can help ensure your submission to inquiries is clear, engaging and effective. We can also help with turning your submissions into oped articles and other content, to help amplify the messages more widely.
For more information, contact
We provide workshops tailored to the needs of individuals and organisations. These can be delivered via Zoom or in person.
Some options are outlined below:
- writing for different audiences
- editing
- advocacy
- using social media for advocacy
- research dissemination
- community engagement
- policy impact
- strategic development
- professional development
- graphic design
- introductory and advanced skills development in Twitter impact.
Croakey Professional Services offers design expertise that can assist with:
- presentations
- reports and documents
- memes
- graphics
- illustrations
- advertisements
- website design.
For more information, contact
Members of our team can provide tailored mentoring programs for individuals and organisations.
Mentoring can support professional development in:
- writing skills
- communications
- designing documents
- social media engagement.
Croakey Professional Services can:
- organise webinars including identifying and recruiting speakers and developing a program
- host webinars via Zoom
- provide MC services
- provide a report on webinar discussions and outcomes.