Just to let you know that Croakey (and the other Crikey blogs) will be offline for a while (down-time scheduled from 10pm tonight til 10am tomorrow) while some renovations are done on our “back-end”, as the IT people say…
Croakey has, over some years, provided a platform for debate about health policy, planning, funding and services. There aren’t enough places for these debates, and important issues affecting the health of our community risk going unexplored. Croakey helps to fill this hole. Viva Croakey!
Sebastian Rosenberg
Senior Lecturer, Brain and Mind Centre, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney
So happy to be creating and coding for such a dedicated, professional and good-humored team.
Mitchell Ward
Artistic Director and web developer at Croakey Health Media
It’s a must to stay connected with Croakey Health Media. They know all about what’s happening in Public Health, right up to the last minute!
Dr Janet Roden
New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association
Croakey is one of the few places where public health “activists” can vent their spleen. (I’m not sure why we’re called ‘activists’, but we certainly need a place to ‘vent’.) It’s also a useful place for journalists/media to find contacts who can speak intelligently on public health issues.
Dr Rosemary Stanton OAM
Public health nutrition “activist”
Croakey gives us our daily dose of independent thinking, discussion and debate on all things public health. The broad mix of contributors, topics and prolific tweets combine to make it a valuable and lively source of news and food for thought for all Australians.
Shauna Hurley
Monash University
As CEO of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC), it is my pleasure to write a testimonial for Croakey. In the past three years, VMIAC have happily engaged the services of Marie McInerney and her team at Croakey to cover major events in the life of VMIAC. We have been fortunate to have Croakey cover our awards night last year and our conference the year before. Marie has brilliantly captured the essence of our organisation and the views of our members and stakeholders. I cannot envisage a time when we will not engage Croakey as we find their brand of journalism uplifting, accurate and honest. Marie’s ability to draw out the stories she produces is wonderfully fresh and always empowering. I would not hesitate to recommend Croakey as a leading service to any event.
Maggie Toko
CEO of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC)
Mental Health Victoria – Croakey Conference News Service coverage of #Lived Experience online forum
Mental Health Victoria, in partnership with the Victorian Healthcare Association, ran an online forum on the importance of embedding the voice of lived experience in mental health system reform.
Croakey journalist Marie McInerney did an exceptional job of covering the event through both real-time social media posts and a written article summarising the discussion and themes that arose during the forum.
Her regular Twitter posts throughout the event generated lively discussion and helped emphasise and elevate the important contributions from the consumer voices.
The article that Marie wrote on the event, titled “Imagine a mental health system that meets the needs of consumers and carers” took the reader on a journey through the forum’s key themes along with images and other media to supplement the discussion. It received very positive feedback from all involved.
Larissa Taylor
Director, Policy, Mental Health Victoria
I love the context and clarity that Croakey’s contributors bring to very complex issues. And the merch.
Marie McInerney
journalist, Croakey Editor
If you work in the health area – and especially if you are a policy wonk, a political nerd, or a news fiend – then Croakey Blog is an essential component of your life. Croakey Blog and @Croakey tweets keep me informed about a wide range of health issues – the impact of budget cuts, new policy announcements and publications, expert opinions and commentary, and what’s being talked about at the conferences I’m unable to attend. I appreciate the timeliness, the broad scope of issues covered, and the breadth of expertise involved. And I particularly appreciate the strong commitment to social justice and tackling Indigenous disadvantage. I’m looking forward to the revamped and relaunched Croakey!
Lesley Russell
Croakey columnist and Adj Assoc Professor at Menzies Centre for Health Policy, University of Sydney
By the mid-1980s, small biotechnology firms were struggling for survival, which led to the formation of mutually beneficial partnerships with large pharmaceutical companies and a host of corporate buyouts of the smaller firms.-Joe Zanotti