Information about Croakey Health Media’s Board of Directors can be found here.
Social journalism team
Croakey’s Social Journalism team is steered by public health journalist Dr Melissa Sweet, in collaboration with many others. The team includes the editors, as well as contributing editors, columnists and people who collaborate on various projects.
Members of the team wear multiple hats, and the editors declare their conflicts of interest here.
- Editor-in-Chief – Overall editorial responsibility; reporting to directors and members; steering social journalism activities and development; outreach and sustainability; organisational development. A CHM director.
- Managing Editor – Editorial responsibilities; outreach and sustainability; organisational development.
- Editors – Commissioning, editing, writing and publishing articles. Contributing to social journalism activities and development.
- Creative director/web developer – Website design and development; graphic design; contributing to social journalism activities and development.
- Chief Operating Officer – Supporting financial sustainability and development; business planning; working with funders; and providing outreach and relationship management.
- Contributing editors – Providing advice; contributing to social journalism activities and development; outreach and engagement.

Dr Melissa Sweet

Alison Barrett

Marie McInerney

Jason Staines
Graphic design &
web development
Business development
Contributing editors

Dr Summer May Finlay

Dr Lesley Russell

Dr Tess Ryan

Dr Tim Senior

Dr Megan Williams

Dr Mark Ragg

Peter McInnes

Jennifer Doggett

Linda Doherty

Cate Carrigan
Croakey Conference News Service
Journalists and others who have contributed to this service include:
- Dr Ruth Armstrong
- Alison Barrett
- Annie Blatchford
- Rosemary Cadden
- H. Clare Callow
- Cate Carrigan
- Mardi Chapman
- Dr Amy Coopes
- Jennifer Doggett
- Dr Summer May Finlay
- Matthew Giles
- Nicole MacKee
- Marie McInerney
- Marge Overs
- Dr Lesley Russell
- Dr Tess Ryan
- Meera Senthilingham
- Dr Sarah Simons
- Jason Staines
- Dr Melissa Sweet
- John Thompson-Mills
- Mitchell Ward
- Karen Wyld
We also thank and acknowledge others who have contributed to Croakey, including:
El Gibbs, Nicole MacKee, Kelly Briggs, Dr Justin Coleman, Dr Lynore Geia, Fronscesca Jackson-Webb, Dr Melissa Stoneham, Michelle Hughes, and The Health Wrap contributors Kellie Bisset, Ellice Mol, Megan Howe, Helen Signy, Barry Dunning, Frances Gilham.